how to be a great dad
“My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me. “
Jim Valvano – coach
A child’s early role model is based on the adult figures around them.
For children good role models are important as they form the basis for healthy relationships in later life.
Today’s young men are redefining fatherhood. Young fathers are striving to be the best father they can be. Two thirds of young dads believe that child care should be divided equally, a great contrast to their parent’s generation. Many of today’s young men look on relationships an equal partnership. They have no intention of being the physically absent or the emotionally absent fathers of prior generations. These egalitarian dads are happier and more fulfilled in both family and career life than the traditional dads. They plan on being the best dads they can be.
Below are some useful tips on how to be a great dad:
1 Be Present
They say it takes a village to raise a child. The more support a child has the better.
With parents and extended family available, a child has a great deal more support approval and acknowledgement.
Children need their fathers to be present in their lives. Children with absentee fathers often grow up with resentment to them. The absence is interpreted as not being loved. Knowing both parents love them and are available when they need them, helps to build self esteem and helps a child feel loved. For some the absence of father figures whether emotionally or physically has made today’s young fathers committed to doing a better job. They want to be there for their children.
2 Put Family First
It is important to put family first. For great dads family is very important to them.
In everyday life, when people work together great things happen . A family is no different. It’s a team sport. It is known that when the family benefits everyone benefits, this includes both individuals and communities.
3 Prioritize Safety
Put mechanisms in place to keep family members safe. Taking measures such as childproofing the home, keeping the finances in order, ensuring seat belts are on properly etc, will create a safe , secure environment for family members.
Shy away from creating bad habits for your children to follow.
One father quit smoking for the sake of his children. He did not want to influence his children with unhealthy habits.
4 Show Respect for Your Partner
Children need their fathers to love their mothers. Unfortunately relationships sometimes come to an end. Great fathers show respect even when the relationship has ended. A child needs to see that you too can make mistakes, fix them and still be ok.
Never contradict or fight with your children’s mother in front of them. Be aware of the negative effect it can have on them. They may blame themselves. This can affect their self-esteem
Make sure mum is happy. Good communication is key. Take time out to do have special things for mum. If mom is happy so are the children. As the saying goes “a happy wife is a happy life”
5 Maintain and Nurture Positive Healthy Friendships
It is important to give yourself time to hang out with old friends. Be aware that relationships may change. You may find yourself having more in common with your friends with children than with those without. Maintain positive friendships and disregard negative ones.
6 Realize You Don’t Know Everything About Parenting
Parenting has its challenges. It is important to realize that no one is born a parent. Realize you are not alone in this journey. Make friends with other dads in your area or circle. Talking with other dads lightens the burden and lets you know you are not alone in your challenges. Having conversations with other dads allows you to bounce ideas off each other, come up with solutions and share successes. Good dads are not afraid to ask for advice. When all else fails, Google is your friend and parenting advice is just a click away.
7 Get involved in Your Children’s Education
Be involved in your children’s education. Do home work with them. This reinforces the importance of education. Never rely on the school system alone to educate your kids. There is nothing like the one on one schooling that children can get from their parents.
One of the best things you can do is read to your children. They will enjoy the sound of your voice and it will create lasting memories. They will also learn how important reading is and will become confident readers. Once children get an early grasp of the “Three Rs” (reading ,writing and arithmetic) at home they are set up for educational success.
Encourage your children’s interests and guide them in the right direction. Remember children are their own people, so realize that your dreams might not be necessarily be theirs.
8 Spend Time with Your Children and Create Good Memories
Play with your kids. Never be too tired to pay attention to your children. You do not need lots of money to create lasting memories. It is the quality time that counts.
The best memories are built on the small things parents do with their children. Playing football, playing games, doing puzzles, doing home work together and playing toys with them are what children will remember the most. Do not be tempted to just watch TV with your kids, you might just be teaching them bad habits.
Childhood goes by very quickly so they make sure they take the time to be part of your children’s childhood.
9 Demonstrate love
Don’t be afraid to demonstrate love. Tell your children that you love them often. Bond with your children. You can instill discipline but still give lots of hugs and kisses. Do not be afraid express warmth and emotion. Research has show that humans need positive physical contact and that it is essential to our emotional well being.
10 Share the Workload
It is important to share the workload and get involved with all aspects of family life. Change diapers, make dinner, bathe the children and tell them bedtime stories etc. A family is team work remember.
Constantly follow a set routine so that the kids feel secure and know what to expect. Create a morning routine, an afternoon routine and a bedtime routine. For example, to help things run smooth prepare lunch the night before. Plan quick and child friendly meals and get the kids involved. Even children can share in the workload. Encourage kids to help with breakfast and to dress themselves. Doing chores helps children to be responsible.
11 Have Good habits and Take Care of Yourself
It is important to take care of yourself. Practice good grooming habits and eat healthily. Try not to drink or smoke at least not in front of your children .The last thing you want to do is influence your children with your own less than positive habits. As a care giver you need to take care of yourself both mentally and physically. So remember to schedule some “me time” in your daily routine too.
12 Teach your Children about Money
Children need to know about finances. You can best teach them by learning how to manage money yourself. Educate yourself on saving, investing how to budget and how to make your money work for you. This is an important lifelong lesson.
Dads are important role models. Just as boys often choose partners like their mothers, girls will often choose partners like their fathers. A father’s strength, love, discipline and confidence are invaluable. Great dads are a true treasure and for a child to want to grow up to be just like dad, now that is priceless.
Most Millennials are waiting longer before they start a family. Many factors come into play here. Today’s young people are some of the most aware in history and they feel less restrained by race, ethnicity, religious practices, lifestyles choices, beliefs and traditions of the past….
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